
CUTC stands for Chitkara University Theaterz. The only theatre club of the university which organizes dramatic events and many more cultural events. The aim of this club is to create awareness among the students by doing fun activities. The core part of CUTC is TAMASHBEENZ, which perform street plays on social issues inside and outside the college. The team TAMASHBEENZ has won many prizes. It wishes to train and develop the acting skills and to cultivate the creative talent of each actor-student so that, upon graduation, he or she is

  • Able to create, embody, and play a character from any period of dramatic literature in any performance medium, integrating vocal, physical, textual, and imaginative resources.
  • Capable of self-generating new creative material, whether solo or as part of a team or group, in the media of theatre, solo performance, and film, including “virtual” auditioning.
  • Fully prepared to enter into the profession of acting with a comprehensive understanding of the specific demands of the entertainment industry.

Faculty Coordinator : Ms Monika Sharma
President : Vivek Sharma
Vice-President : Amit Paunikar

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