Known for their innovativeness, creativity, talent and more, students of Chitkara University, Himachal Pradesh, staged a play “Julius Caesar” at Chitkara International School Auditorium. The play brought out several emotions, exceptional tale... readmore
Team F.A.P. (Force Alliance Power) from Chitkara University, Himachal Pradesh, secured first position in Gaming Tournament held at Chandigarh College of Engineering Technology's fest LEXICON 2014. The Winning team comprises Abhinav Loomba, Anuj M... readmore
The wait finally came to an end with the winners of T20 Championship at Chitkara University, Himachal Pradesh, clinching the title. The final match was definitely a watcher’s delight as viewers came in huge numbers to cheer up for their teams a... readmore
Every now and then students of Chitkara University bring laurels to the University with their sheer determination, grit and hard work. This time it was Gaurika Nagpal, who made us proud with her skills and intellect. Gaurika is a third-year studen... readmore
Tamashbeens have once again proved their mettle and this time at Indian Institute of Technology, Mandi, Himachal Pradesh. The street play group of Chitkara University, Himachal Pradesh, has brought laurels to the University several times and this win... readmore
It was Chitkara University’s turn to get featured on Campus Reporter program broadcasted on Zee Punjabi channel. The show holds an engaging format where the youth gets to share views, opinions and put forth their skills in dancing, elocution, p... readmore
Chitkara University, Himachal Pradesh, saw some literary action comprising written and verbal display of comprehension among the students of Chitkara University. The event was termed as ‘The Mighty Thought’ and it started at 4:30 pm for which ... readmore
Sports activities form an integral part of the Chitkara curriculum because we believe that sports activities are important to instill discipline among students, encourage concentration and physical fitness. For this, there are various sport activi... readmore
Once again, Chitkara University, is the talk of the town and why not, after all, our students manage to outshine their counterparts every now and then at various events. This time it was modeling. Chitkara University, Himachal Pradesh, managed to cli... readmore
Students of Chitkara University, Himachal Pradesh, had an opportunity to display their sport skills at Varchasva 14’-Inter University Sports Meet. The sports meet was inaugurated by none other than Manan Vohra, the famous cricketer. Varchasva 14... readmore