Expert Areas : Atomic and Radiation Physics

Dr. Ajay Sharma completed his M. Phil and Ph.D. in Atomic and Radiation Physics from Nuclear Science Laboratories, Physics Department, Punjabi University, Patiala- India. In conjunction with his career of 20 years in teaching and research, he has been accumulating distinguished experiences in the University since its inception. Dr Sharma initiated several reforms to strengthen and safeguard the examination systems in terms of secrecy, transparency and digitalization of student’s credentials on NAD/Dig locker etc.

His research interests include; Atomic inner shell studies, X-ray fluorescence and its applications in environmental restoration.  He is a life member of Indian society for Atomic and Molecular Physics (ISAMP), Indian Society for Radiation Physics (ISRP) and Indian Society for Technical Education (ISTE). He is an active member of the research group working on synchrotron radiations at RRCAT-Indore (DAE-Unit) and is instrumental in conducting and designing various experiments.  He has delivered various talks related to his research in India and Abroad. He has authored one book, filed nine patents and published number of research papers in reputed Journals and proceedings of the conferences/Symposia.

  • Research
  • Awards
  • Patents
  • Education
  • Service


  • Sharma, A. and Mittal, R., 2005. Generation of L sub-shell photo-ionization cross-sections for elements 18⩽ Z⩽ 92 at energies. 320–115.606 keV (A computer program ‘LSPICS’). Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer95(1), pp.49-60.
  • Sharma, A., Singh, M. and Mittal, R., 2006. Study of photon-induced L 3 vacancy alignment for elements La to U. Pramana66(6), pp.1111-1117.
  • Sharma, A., Tiwari, M.K. and Mittal, R., 2006. Anisotropy of L Sub-Shell X-rays in Tungsten at Photon Energies, below and above the L2-Edge. Asian Journal of Chemistry18(5), p.3335.
  • Sharma, A. and Mittal, R., 2009. Coster-Kronig Corrected Experimental and Theoretical Alignment Parameter for Tungsten-a Comparison. Asian Journal of Chemistry21(10), pp.S259-263.
  • Sharma, A. and Mittal, R., Experimental and theoretical anisotropy studies for tungsten, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A, Elsevier Publication A 619 (2010) 55–58.
  • Sharma, A. and Mittal, R., Analytic Perturbation Theory to study the effect of screening on alignment, European J. of chemistry, 1 (4) (2010) 381‐384.
  • Sharma, A. and Mittal, R., Methods to detaermine photon induced vacancy alignment in atomin inner shells, Science and culture, Vol 76, issue 7-8, 283-285 2010.
  • Sharma, A. and Mittal, R., 2013, Alignment studies for tungsten near L3 sub-shell threshold via theoretical, experimental and empirical methods,  Journal of Nuclear Physics, Material Sciences, Radiation and Applications (JNPMSRA) Vol. 1, No. 1, 83–101.
  • Sharma, A., 2018. Inner shell alignment of atoms in photon impact ionization. Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena225, pp.1-4.
  • Kanwar, V.S., Sharma, A., Srivastav, A.L. and Rani, L., 2020. Phytoremediation of toxic metals present in soil and water environment: a critical review. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, pp.1-26.
  • Garg, V.K., Srivastav, A.L., Tiwari, M.K., Sharma, A. and Kanwar, V.S., 2021 Synchrotron based X-ray fluorescence for trace elemental analysis of industrial sludge. Journal of Environmental Treatment Techniques, Volume 9, Issue 1, pp. 192-195.
  •  Garg VK, Srivastav AL, Tiwari MK, Sharma A, Kanwar VS., 2021 Synchrotron Based TXRF for Assessment of Treated Wastewater. Nature Environment and Pollution Technology. Jun 1;20(2):743-746.
  • Garg, V.K., Mittal, R., Sharma, A., 2021. Theoretical angular dependence of L3 sub-shell X-rays following photoionization. Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena, 248, 147054
  • Kanwar, V.S., Sharma, A., Kanwar, M., Srivastav, A.L. and Soni, D.K., 2022. An overview for biomedical waste management during pandemic like COVID-19. International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology, pp.1-16.
  • Garg VK, Tanta A, Srivastav AL, Tiwari MK, Sharma A, Kanwar VS., Water Quality Assessment Using Synchrotron based TXRF, Water Environment Research (Accepted) First published: 24 June 2022,
  • Garg, V.K., Mittal, R. and Sharma, A., 2022, May. Non-relativistic dipole approximation based angular dependence of L3 sub-shell X-rays following photoionization. In AIP Conference Proceedings (Vol. 2357, No. 1, p. 070009). AIP Publishing LLC.
  • Taneja, Ashu, Ishwar Dutt, and Ajay Sharma. “Analyzing the students’ learning behaviour for a technical course during COVID-19.” (2021) Library Philosophy and Practice (e-journal). 5152.
  • Dutt, Ishwar, Ashu Taneja, and Ajay Sharma. “Predicting the students’ learning behaviour for a technical course during Covid-19.” (2020). :
  • Global climate change: A culprit for the deterioration of nature and human life October 2022 AIP Conference Proceedings 2451(1):020001 Follow journal DOI:  10.1063/5.0102519
  • Garg VK, Srivastav AL, Tiwari MK, Sharma A, Kanwar VS, Soil assessment for heavy metal contamination and potential ecological risks, Research Journal of Chemistry and Environment (accepted)
  • Garg VK, Srivastav AL, Tiwari MK, Sharma A, Kanwar VS,  Metal transfer from soil to crops -a phytoremediation study (accepted in Indian journal of environmental protection)
  • Vijay Kumar Garg,Ishwar Dutt, Raj Mittal, M K Tiwari and Ajay Sharma, ‘Linear polarization of L3 sub-shell X-rays for some high-Z elements’  accepted in Indian Journal of Physics.


  • Meenu Singh, Ajay Sharma and Raj Mittal, Calculation Of Fractional 2p3/2 Magnetic Sub-States Photoionization Cross-Sections, 7th Symp. On Rad. Phy. Patiala, (2001).
  • Ajay Sharma, Meenu Singh, Raj Mittal, Magnetic Substate Dependence Of L-Shell Photoelectric Cross Sections Under Born Approximation,  NSRP-14, Amritsar, Nov. 2001.
  • Ajay Sharma, Meenu Singh & Raj Mittal, L-Shell Alignment Calculations In Some Rare Earth Elements Near Thresholds, Sym. Radi. Meas & Appl, Michigan, USA, May, 2002.
  • Raj Mittal, Meenu Singh & Ajay Sharma, Alignment Studies Under Non-Relativistic Dipole-Approximation In Some High Z Elements, 5th Punjab Science Congress, TIET, Patiala (2002)
  • Raj Mittal, Meenu Singh and Ajay Sharma, Fractional Photo-Ionisation Cross-Sections For L3 Magnetic   Substates Under Non-Relativistic Dipole Approximation, National Conference on Atomic and Molecular Physics, Shantiniketan Jan (2003)
  • Ajay Sharma, Meenu Singh & Raj Mittal, La/Ll Intensity Ratios For Aligned L3 Vacancies For Some Rare Earth And High Z Elements. 6th Punjab Sci. Cong. SLIET, Sangrur. Feb (2003).
  • Ajay Sharma, Meenu Singh & Raj Mittal, Alignment Of Photon Induced Atomic Inner Shell Vacancies In The L3 Sub-Shell.   6th Punjab Sci. Cong. SLIET, Sangrur. Feb (2003).
  • Ajay Sharma, Meenu Singh & Raj Mittal, Angular Distribution Of Photon-Induced L3 X-Rays Of Pb From Non- Relativistic Dipole Approximated A2 Values. ‘Seminar on ‘Recent Advances In Radiation Physics-‘March (2003)
  • Raj Mittal, Meenu Singh & Ajay Sharma, Alignment Studies Under Non-Relativistic Dipole- Approximation In A Point Coulomb And Screened Potential In W-74 & Au-79,     Proc. ISRP-09, Capetown (South Africa), Oct. 2003.
  • Ajay Sharma, Meenu Singh and Raj Mittal, Low Energy Photon Induced Vacancy Alignment Studies In Some   Rare Earth Elements. Proc. NSRP-15. BARC, Mumbai, Nov. 12-14, 2003.
  • Harjinder Kaur, Jitender Paul Sharma, Ajay Sharma and Raj Mittal, w1, w2 AND f12 Sub-Shell Parameters For Elements, 7292. Proc. NSRP-15. BARC, Mumbai, Nov. 12-14, 2003.
  • Ajay Sharma, Meenu Singh and Raj Mittal, Effect Of Screening On Photon Induced L3 Vacancy Alignment    Evaluations Under Non-Relativistic Dipole Approximation, Proceddings ISC, Chandigarh, Jan. 3-7, 2004.
  • Raj Mittal and Ajay Sharma, Alignment Parameter Calculations With Multipole Effects At Relativistic  Energies Under Born Approximation, Proc. 7th PSC, GNDU, Amritsar, Feb. 7-9, 2004.
  • Ajay Sharma and Raj Mittal, Projectile Energy Dependence Of La/Ll X-Ray Intensity Ratio In Elements; Ho, Ta AND W. Proceedings of NSRMA-2004 held at Punjabi University, Patiala from 18-19, 2004.
  • Raj Mittal and Ajay Sharma, Effect Of Coster-Kronig Transitions On L3 Vacancy Alignment For Elements La TO U. Proceedings of National Conference on atomic and Molecular Physics (NCAMP-2004) held at Ahmedabad.
  • Ajay Sharma and Raj Mittal, A Computer Program For Photon Induced L3 Vacancy Alignment Calculations Based Upon Non-Relativistic Dipole Approximation. Proceedings of Indian Science Congress-2005, held at Nirma University, Ahmedabad from 3-7 January 2005.
  • Ajay Sharma and Raj Mittal, Radial Integral Evaluations Using Mathematica And Its Applications To Atomic Processes,  ISRP-2003.
  • Ajay Sharma,M. K. Tiwari  and Raj Mittal, Determination Of Contribution Of Scattered Bremstrahlung In Secondary Photo-Excitations Using X-Ray Tube. Procedings of CDAMP-2006
  • Ajay Sharma, M K. Tiwari and Raj Mittal, Anisotropy Of L Sub-Shell X-Rays In Tungsten At Photon   Energies, Below And Above The L2-Edge. Proceedings of LSRP-2006, held at SLIET, Longowal,  from 17-18 March, 2006.
  • Ajay Sharma, M. K. Tiwari and Raj Mittal, Estimation Of Solid Angle Correction For Polarization Dependence  Studies Of Fluorescent L Sub-Shell  X-RAYS. Proceedings of  ISRP-10 held in Purtgaul in September, 2006.
  • Ajay Sharma1, M. K. Tiwari2 and Raj Mittal1*, L shell Photo-ionization of W at As Ka, Kand Ka,b   X-ra y Energies. Proceedings of ICAMP held at TIFR from 8-12 Jan, 2007.
  • Ajay Sharma and Raj Mittal, Analytic perturbation theory for the effect of screening on alignment. Proceedings of NSRP-17 held at Saha institute of nuclear Physics from 14-16 Nov. 2007.
  • Ajay Sharma and Raj Mittal, Measurement of anisotropy of L x-rays of tungsten.        Proceedings of International conference on recent developments in mechanical        Engineering (ICRDME-08) held at SUSCET, Tangori from 23-25 Jan, 2008.
  • Measurement of anisotropy of L x-rays of tungsten, Ajay Sharma and Raj Mittal,  Proceedings of International conference on recent developments in mechanical,Engineering (ICRDME-08) held at SUSCET, Tangori from 23-25 Jan, 2008.
  • Coster-Kronig corrected experimental and theoretical alignment parameter for tungsten-a comparison’  Ajay Sharma and Raj Mittal, AMRP-09 held at Sant Longowal Institute of Engineering and Technology from 09. 03.09 to 10.03.09.
  • Experimental alignment calculations for tungsten at energies 10.676 and 17.781 keV Ajay Sharma and Raj Mittal,  DAE-BRNS symposium on atomic, molecular and optical physics (ncamp-xvii) iuac, New Delhi, pp. 135 (2009).
  • Best Poster Paper award” to Dr Ajay Sharma in National conference on advanced materials and radiation Physics (AMRP-09) held at SLIET on 9th and 10th of March, 2009.
  • EXPERIMENTAL AND THEORETICAL ANISOTROPY STUDIES FOR TUNGSTEN, Ajay Sharma and Raj Mittal, Proceedings ISRP-2009 held at University of Melbourne from 20-25 September, 2009.
  • Theoretical, Experimental and Empirical alignment parameter for tungsten near L3 sub-shell threshold by Ajay Sharma and Raj Mittal, 3rd International conference on current developments in atomic, molecular and optical Physics held at University of Delhi, from 14-16 Dec, 2011.
  • Experimental anisotropy measurements for Tungsten, X-ray Fluorescence Interaction Meet,RRCAT, Indore, (March 19th – 20th, 2013).
  • .   Invited speaker for research paper “Alignment of atomic inner shell vacancies” in “International conference on quantum Physics and Nuclear Engineering” held at London from 14-16 March, 2016.
  • XRF Evaluation of metal mobility from soil to plants and possible health risks, ISUMHeld at CSR, Indore, March, 2019.
  • Synchrotron based XRF evaluation of agricultural soil for heavy metal contamination, HSCA International conference held at Chitkara University , H.P (30th of September 2019).
  • Non-Relativistic Dipole Approximation Based Angular Dependence of L3 Sub-Shell X-rays Following Photoionization, NCASM held at Chitkara University, Punjab in July, 2020.


  • Vacancy alignment in atomic inner shells by Ajay Sharma and Raj Mittal, ISBN-10: 3838376234 | ISBN-13: 978-3838376233, LAP Lambert Academic Publishing, Germany (2010).


  • XRF evaluation of soil, water and plants polluted with garbage and industrial sludge; remedial measures
  • Application of Biochar Technology to Procure Drinking Water from ETP Water


  • International Journal of theoretical and applied sciences.
  • Journal of nuclear Physics, material science, radiation and applications



  • Indian Society for Radiation Physics
  • Indian Society for Atomic and Molecular Physics
  • Indian Society for Technical Education
  • Allen key holder with in- build wrench
  • Casing for fastening devices
  • An adjustable automatic shoe polishing device
  • Security system for fence
  • Bag filling and supporting device
  • Tracking and storing assembly
  • Movable suspension device
  • Male interlocking Arrangement for Triangular floor Tiles
  • Female interlocking arrangement for triangular floor tiles

M. Phil, Ph. D Punjabi University, Patiala

20 Years Teaching