When our students met a connoisseur, a purist, it was Dr Ashok Chitkara at his erudite best

Published on November 25, 2013 | 1743 views

Students of Chitkara University, Himachal Pradesh, were lucky enough to witness moments of reckoning with none other than one of the founders of Chitkara University, Dr Ashok Chitkara, Chancellor, Chitkara University.

Dr Chitkara made a rapport with students saying, “We are partners in a common project – wanting to make Chitkara an even greater University than it already is.”

He shared with the students the fact that Chitkara is a University with incredible potential and depth and complemented them as remarkable intellectuals and a vibrant community.

The day was filled with motivation, excellence and inspiration as they heard wise words coming from their mentor.

The session felt like Paulo Coelho’s words ‘What is a teacher? I’ll tell you: it isn’t someone who teaches something, but someone who inspires the students to give their best in order to discover what they already know,” coming to life with Dr Chitkara.

Overall, the session with Dr Chitkara was stirring, encouraging and emotive for the students.
