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Students display their literary skills at Literacky Week

Published on April 7, 2014 | 1859 views

Chitkara University, Himachal Pradesh, saw some literary action comprising written and verbal display of comprehension among the students of Chitkara University.

The event was termed as ‘The Mighty Thought’ and it started at 4:30 pm for which several students had registered themselves. The event that was organized by the S.U.F.Y- Literacy Club, proved to be a huge success.

Literacky Week saw slogan writing competition, story-writing competition and poem writing competition. The competition happened in Hindi as well as English.

Theme for the slogan writing was ‘Education and student’, for story writing it was, ‘Indeed education is a gem’, and for poem writing, the theme was ‘Life of a student’.

‘The Mighty Thought’ not only provided a break to the students from their academic routine, it also helped them enhance their writing skills. The winners were declared at the end of the event and were given away cash prizes.

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