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Start-up founder Divam Wadhwa inspires students to walk the path of becoming job creators.

Published on November 4, 2022 | 373 views

CEED in association with IIC, Chitkara University, Himachal Pradesh organised a Motivational Session by Start-up founder Mr. Divam Wadhwa of Chai Nagri on November 3rd, 2022. Divam – an alumnus of Chitkara University, H.P – inspired the students to follow their passion and look for a career opportunity as an entrepreneur.

Divam began the session with the struggle he faced in the initial days and how he overcame it by carefully planning his steps. He discussed in detail the spirit of entrepreneurship, and how the passion to find solutions to common problems faced by people helps think of a feasible and profit-generating idea. Throughout the session, he highlighted the golden rule to the participants that we are always surrounded by abundant opportunities.

Every entrepreneur must have clarity on what problem they are trying to address through their products. Any confusion about what problem a business seeks to solve is a major hindrance that can lead to its failure. He further stressed upon the importance of being updated about the business environment. What is particularly happening in the economy, should always be considered carefully while setting up a business. The session concluded after a Q&A session, in which students interacted with the resource person to learn different aspects like funding, technology, venture capitalists and etc.