Enriching & Enlightening 21 Days Summer School on Geospatial Technologies

Published on August 12, 2015 | 2240 views

A 21 days DST Summer School on ” Geospatial Technologies ” held at the Geo-informatics and Building Technology Research Centre (GBTRC), Department of Civil Engineering, Chitkara University ( 21st July – 10th August, 2015)

This summer school was fully sponsored by the NRDMS, Department of Science and Technology (DST), Government of India. This event was targeted to provide the one basic training programme on Geospatial Technologies field for various college / university faculty members and scientists who are working in the field of Geospatial Technologies and was coordinated by Dr C. Prakasam, Civil Engineering Department.

15 different Resource Persons delivered the lecture and lab sessions from different reputed intuitions and labs, i.e., IIRS, IIT, CSIO, M.D. University, H.P University etc.,

All the participants were awarded participation certificate in the Valedictory ceremony that was graced by Dr Ashok K Chitkara, Chancellor, Chitkara University, Dr. Ashok Kumar Singh, Department of Science & Technology, Government of India and Dr. Manoj K Arora, Director, PEC University of Technology.
