BreakPoint’19: CodeQuotient organises 2-Day HackFest, gets students chasing big ideas

Published on November 13, 2019 | 1070 views

A 2-Day HackFest, BreakPoint’19, was organised at the Himachal Pradesh campus on November 9-10, 2019. Chitkara University Himachal Pradesh ACM Student Chapter organised the HackFest in collaboration with Code Quotient, which aimed to provide a platform for teams to create, share and collaborate on projects – in one place.

Around 150 students from 14 college/ institutes registered online to participate. A total of 10 finalists were selected for the final round who competed for Full Stack Projects. The Challenge offered prize money up to Rs. 15,000, and on-the-spot ‘Interview Call Letters’ & ‘Internship Opportunities’ for Software Developer profiles.

Students – Sankhadip bagged the first prize with a cash award of Rs. 10,000; followed by Ripudaman placed in the second position with a cash award of Rs. 5,000. Saurav Adhikari received a consolation prize for his extraordinary effort. ‘Interview Call Letters’ were presented to students – Tarun, Ripudaman, Saurav, Sankhadip, Arun and Karan. Well done!