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Chitkara University, Himachal Pradesh accredited by NAAC

Chitkara University, Himachal Pradesh is now accredited by National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC) an autonomous body established by UGC.

Thrusting to achieve its goal to achieve excellence in education industry, the University voluntarily invited NAAC to come and assess it.

The prime mandate of NAAC is to evaluate and accredit institutions of higher learning. It functions through its General Council and Executive Committee where educational administrators, policy makers and senior academicians from a cross-section of system of higher education came and analyzed the University.

An intense interrogation and questioning on the various parameters were done like Curricular aspects, Teaching-learning pedagogy, Research, Consultancy and extension activities, Infrastructure and learning resources, Student support and progression, Governance and leadership and Innovative practices.

After the three rigorous days of inspection in April, 2016 the University has come out with flying colors and achieved another milestone.Only three universities in Himachal Pradesh are accredited by NAAC and Chitkara University has scored the highest CGPA among them.

Education plays a vital role in the development of any nation. Therefore, there is a premium on both quantity (increased access) and quality (relevance and excellence of academic programs offered) of higher education. Chitkara University has taken a quality initiative and has successfully sustained it and it further looks forward to enhancement. It has made sure that its processes, systems and structures are in place to shoulder the responsibility of the education industry. It has invested hugely in developing student facilities, giving its students access to state-of-the art-labs, high end computing facilities, libraries, sporting and social facilities.
Chitkara University has established an unassailable reputation from well administered mechanism of admitting students to the programmes to strong on-campus recruitments. Chitkara Innovation incubator has helped to turn student’s business ideas into reality.

With the accreditation received, Chitkara is now set towards its mission of being among the top 10 private universities in the country by the year 2020.

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