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NXP lab is one of the labs in the university, which is sponsored by the industry. NXP semiconductors lab has been established by a 4 billion dollar Multi National company with its presence in 25 different countries of the world. NXP Semiconductors provides High Performance Mixed Signal and standard Product solutions that leverage its leading RF, Analog, Power Management, Interface, Security and Digital Processing Expertise.

NXP is the co-inventor of near field communication (NFC) technology along with Sony and supplies NFC chip sets that enable mobile phones to be used to pay for goods and store and exchange data securely. In our lab, students work on LPC Xpresso kits along with online compiler named mbed.org. The main objective of this lab is to make the students familiar with 32 bit micro-
controllers so that they can advance their career in this present competitive world. NXP also conducts workshop for the students and faculty members so that they get familiar with latest technologies and trends emerging worldwide. Students of Chitkara University have been placed in NXP semiconductors and some students are also pursuing their internship in NXP.



ARM is world’s largest semiconductor intellectual propery (IP) supplier. The technology designed by ARM is at the heart of many of the digital electronic products sold. ARM Technologies has taken an initiative in establishing a Microcontroller laboratory by donating state of the art mbed kits. This enables students to explore their potential and use the latest technologies to build the applications, which can compete with the best in the world. This lab is a real technology asset for Electronics and communication engineering department of Chitkara University, Himachal Pradesh.



Texas Instruments Innovation Lab is supported by Texas Instruments India University Program and it features state of the art analog teaching kits from Texas Instruments – ASLK Pro Kits. Students use these kits to learn analog system design, starting from making simple amplifiers to complex systems like PLL, AGC etc. Lab also features copies of Analog Systems Lab Manual for students’ reference. Lab has over 20 windows based computers with TINA-TI (SPICE based simulation tool for prototyping). For hardware prototyping lab features 6 set of Oscilloscopes, Function Generator and Dual Power Supply.
TI has granted beagle board kits as well which enables students to fly their imagination and create their own electronics applications.



Project Lab displays all the latest projects carried out by the students in current academic year. It also maintains the inventory of all previous years’ projects for students’ references as well as to allow reuse of some of the hardware modules. Lab has a workstation with CRO, Power Supply and Function Generator for hardware prototyping and features a soldering station. In addition, project lab has state of the art hardware development platforms like Raspberry Pi, Beaglebone, Arduino Uno, MSP430 Launchpad which are issued to students for project work. Lab is available to students throughout the day and even after university hours to carry out their project work.



Cadence VLSI Design Lab was set up in 2011 in collaboration with Cadence Design Systems, a leading Electronic Design Automation (EDA) software and engineering services company.

At present, the lab has 50 dedicated licences which support both analog and digital designing. Its Virtuoso® platform, Multi-Mode Simulation, Encounter® platform, and Allegro® system-in-package (SiP) technologies provide end-to-end verification and implementation solutions that enable new IC co-design flows and methodologies. The lab is being utilized in full swing by the 3rd year B.E. students for learning the concepts of Microelectronics and VLSI Design. M.E. and PhD scholars are also carrying out prominent research activities using the capabilities of this lab and are getting their work published in National and International Conferences and Journals of high repute.



Advance Communication lab is fully equipped to provide students with an exciting environment to implement and experiment knowledge acquired in the classroom. Communication Laboratory has the highest priority among various labs in the curriculum of Electronics and Communication Engineering for the undergraduate courses. This lab handles various experiments in the field of Analog, Digital and Microwave engineering. The Analog and digital Communication laboratory caters to the regular class work of Electronics & Communication Engineering students. Along with the basic experiments of modulation and
demodulation which are based on various techniques we have incorporated in our laboratory the various advanced communication kits for GSM and CDMA.



These labs deal with practical aspects of microprocessors and microcontrollers. Objectives of the labs are to make students familiar with applications of concepts studied in Digital Electronics and extension of the same to hardware kits using microprocessors and microcontrollers. Students learn to write assembly language programs for microprocessor kits and test the working of I/O ports, timers and other peripheral features of various kinds of interfacing kits.

This lab is fully equipped with microcontrollers and microprocessors kits, ADC, interfacing cards, stepper motor ontroller, KEIL software, Universal programmer and various interfacing modules (stepper motor interface, DC motor interface, traffic light study interface, LED interface module, Temperature measurement).

The lab is equipped with 8085 microprocessor and 8051 microcontroller along with some advanced microprocessors such as 8086, LPC and Mbed and interfacing cards such as 8255, 8259, 8253 and 8254.

Through this lab the students get an exposure to the intense practical environment which shall help them to become industry oriented engineers. The lab also provides the facility to interface the microprocessor with different circuits such as A/D converters, stepper motors and DC motors etc.



Digital Signal Processing is the numerical manipulation of signals for improving the accuracy and reliability of digital communications. In the Digital Signal Processing Lab, the students are made to work on MATLAB which is a high-level technical computing language and an interactive environment for algorithm development, data visualization, data analysis and numerical computation. Using MATLAB, technical computing problems are solved faster than with traditional programming languages such as C, C++ and FORTRAN. MATLAB platform comes with a package of different toolboxes (collection of special purpose MATLAB functions) like signal processing toolbox, communication systems toolbox, control systems toolbox, digital signal processing toolbox, simulink, fuzzy logic toolbox, neural networks toolbox and image processing toolbox. These add-on toolboxes extend the MATLAB environment to solve particular classes of problems in these application areas. We can use MATLAB in a wide range of applications, including signal and image processing, communications, control design, test and measurement, financial modeling and analysis, and computational biology. Add-on toolboxes (collections of special-purpose.
MATLAB functions) extend the MATLAB environment to solve particular classes of problems in these application areas.



This lab is sponsored by RS components and it features Design Spark software that aids in PCB designing. RS components aids in the projects of university students by supporting in terms of components. This is also the basic and fundamental lab for the students of electronics and communication. This lab aims to introduce fresher students to the world of electronic components and devices. Students study, characterize and analyze the behavior of various electronic components and circuits using hardware and software utilities. Students are benefitted with a hands on experience on electronic circuits and here they
practically analyze the applications of different electronic components. Students can make their circuits using breadboards and also various kits facilitating the above mentioned utilities of the lab are available. Verifying the circuit operation on hardware as well as software simultaneously is the objective of this lab.



This lab deals with practical aspects of control systems. The following are the objectives of control systems lab—

  • To provide a comprehensive treatment of analysis and design of control systems ,
  • to empower the students with knowledge which is sufficient to help them understand and analyze the practical problems in industry,
  • to impart students the concepts of control system modeling, time domain and frequency analysis enabling them to analyze various control systems and
  • to enable students for incorporating knowledge of control systems arena which is the backbone of the automation in the present technical scenario.

    Control systems lab is fully equipped with the electrical and electronics components, DC motor controller, AC motor controller, PID controller, stepper motor controller and Virtual Instrumentation (labview).

    Labview is a product of National Instruments Ni and is software for Virtual Instrumentation, Graphical Programming, data storage and analysis for wide range of applications.



    This hands-on laboratory is used for conceptual visualization of Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering and electronics engineering. This lab develops basic skills in constructing, measuring and basic troubleshooting of electronic circuits using modern laboratory instruments. This lab is intended for first year students of all branches. Student works on DC
    motors, AC motors, transformer, basic soldering, desoldering and concepts of basic electronic components etc.
    Students analyze and plot the characteristics curve for different electronic components. This lab works as a foundation lab for first year students. Students learn to analyze their theoretical knowledge related to resistors, inductors and capacitors practically. They analyze and characterize various electrical and electronics components using various types of ICs like digital gates ICs, IC 741, IC 555 etc. This lab exposes the students to the world of basic components and students are encouraged to learn implementation of basic projects.



    The Digital Electronics and Logic Design (DELD) lab is one of the essential lab of Electronics and Communication Engineering programme. This lab provides hands-on experience to the students to design sequential and combinational circuits using Transistor-Transistor Logic (TTL) gates and implement over the hardware. The experiments are designed in such a way
    that the students become well aware of its implementation over integrated projects. This is an undergraduate course which deals with the basics of digital electronics and provides the prerequisites for advance courses in digital electronics such as VLSI. Because of the significance of this course the DELD Lab has been designed to meet the requirements of the course.

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