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Chitkara University Central Sophisticated Instrumentation centre

Chitkara University, Himachal Pradesh under the Chitkara Education Trust is recognized by Department of Scientific and Industrial Research (DSIR) as Scientific and Instruments Research Organization. ‘Chitkara University Central Sophisticated Instrumentation Facility’ also known as CUCSIF, is an initiative of Chitkara University, Himachal Pradesh, started in March 2019. CUCSIF is basically responsible for instrumentation and consultancy services for bridging industry academia interface in order to initiate research and development. It is a renowned instrumentation facility in state of Himachal Pradesh. CUCSIF is supporting the national mission of creating a ‘Atma Nirbhar Bharat’ in the context of research and innovation.

The main objectives of CUCSIF is to support research and development activities to research scholars, faculty of university along with the surrounding universities and industries and to implicate hands-on training programs in order to enhance technical skills

CUCSIF has visions to raise the industrial sector requiring the research and innovation to upgrade their products. Additionally, CUCSIF plays a key role in providing services to academic and research institutions in this field so they may confirm their findings with accurate and sophisticated measurements using these instruments and equipment’s. This facility has already completed several consultancy projects for industries. The measurements from CUCSIF have helped research publications in reputed journals/conferences. CUCSIF is structured as per the requirement of different type of industries and department of organizations.

It is located on the second floor of the Kalam block of Chitkara University, Himachal Pradesh and is equipped with multidisciplinary amenities. CUCSIF has both the processing and the measuring instruments in its place. The place integrates Pharmacy, Engineering, Physical Sciences and Applied Sciences instruments and equipment’s. CUCSIF has four major divisions under its umbrella including CUCSIF Division- I and II basic science and analytical division, CUCSIF Division- III which is Electronics Instrument Facility and CUCSIF Division- IV which is the computational facility.

CUCSIF provides support to entire university for the development of research. This basic instrumentation facility houses more than 50 equipments. CUCSIF categories its capacity into open area and houses HPLC, FTIR, UV spectrophotometer, Laminar air flow, BOD incubator, Cell analyzer, Brookfield viscometer, Moisture balance, Colorimeter, Conductivity meter, Potentiometer, Nephlo-turbidity meter, Flame photometer, Refractometer, Ultra Sonicator, Microcentrifuge, Humidity chamber, Electrophoresis among others. CUCSIF has completed multiple industry consultancy projects with the FTIR facility. HPLC is used by the different university departments and industry consultancy is offered to facilitate the industry-academia relation.

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